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How closely is your strategy aligned with your values and beliefs?

28 Dec

Your values and beliefs are the foundation on which your insights, perceptions, and resulting decisions are based.

It has often been said that once you know “Why,”… “What,” and “How,”  become much easier to determine and decide.

At any point have you found yourself feeling that you need to violate your principles?

Some values and beliefs are learned and others may be inborn; in either case they do not change quickly or easily.  It is imperative that your strategy is congruent with your fundamental values and beliefs.

Strategy does not usually change quickly or easily.  Tactics however, can be changed with relative ease.  If your strategy is in poor alignment with your values and beliefs, your tactics won’t produce the results you desire.  You can always  modify your tactical activities but you shouldn’t be quick to alter your strategy (unless it needs to become better aligned with your values).

Do you proactively map your strategy and tactics against your values?

Begin with the end in mind, form your strategy, plan yourtactics, and allow yourself the opportunity to make sure that your strategy is in close alignment with your core values and beliefs.  Otherwise, everything is much harder than necessary and no matter how much you accomplish you will not feel satisfied or fulfilled.

What should you consider changing?  Where should you begin?  

The Marketing Funnel and Tactical Innovation

31 May

In a world cluttered with advertising pitches, when a company can get prospects to click on links, watch their videos, join their email or SMS list, and attend webinars they have succeeded in getting them into their marketing funnel, keeping them in it, or advancing the sales process to the next phase.

How do you get prospects into your funnel, and keep moving them closer to making a buying decision…?

The Marketing Funnel

The Marketing Funnel

Only deliver highly relevant content using the most appropriate methods of delivery, and communicate with them as infrequently as possible, but as often as necessary to advance the sales process without fatiguing them.

It is essential to first understand your customers needs and their purchasing criteria. From this point you are able to develop a systematic approach to delivering content which will move them closer to realizing that your products or services will add value for them.  Next you must choose the best methods to communicate your value proposition.

Is it important to deliver my information in separate phases, or is it better to reduce the volume of information and ask prospects to make a purchasing decision more quickly?

It depends on what type of product or service you sell.   For larger and more complicated purchasing decisions it is often better to develop a stage oriented sales process.  We recommend beginning the process by using a blog, videos, podcasts and/or other web content to engage the prospect while establishing your business as a GREAT solution to their needs.  From this point the sales process will depend on what type of decision you are asking them to make, and what your sales and marketing resources are capable of executing.

At what stage  in the sales process should a representative from your company engage the prospect directly?

For most companies the answer is to establish a personal connection immediately after the prospect’s first interaction with your content, however some companies choose to have the prospect define their level of interest and how close to “sold,” they are by asking them to take another action or by presenting them with multiple options that allow them to define where in the sales process they currently are.

We receive requests from companies who have “decided,” that they want to use a specific medium like email, SMS or Video as part of their tactical marketing communications mix.  We have found that it does not usually have a beneficial impact on sales to introduce a new tool without understanding it’s role in the overall context of your sales and marketing campaign(s). If your customers don’t regularly use the method of communication you are choosing, then you will see poor performance results.  We recommend considering fully whether a new tool is actually the best available alternative to communicate with your audience prior to acquiring or using it.

If you have questions regarding implementing a Marketing Funnel, a new tool,  or would like to discuss an evaluation of your existing Marketing tools please contact us for a free consultation: